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Climate Zones

Climate Zones are divisions of the Earth’s climates into general climate zones according to average temperatures and average rainfall. The three major climate zones on the Earth are the Polar/Frigid, Temperate, and Tropical/Torrid zones. Temperatures in these three climate zones are determined mainly by the location, or latitude, of the zone.


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The Torrid/Tropical Zone

The Torrid Zone refers to the area of the earth between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn. Geographically, the Torrid Zone is defined by 23.5 degrees north latitude and 23.5 degrees south latitude. The tropical zone is another name for the Torrid Zone.


The Torrid Zone contains features such as rainfall, lush plants and trees and varied animal life. The sun is directly overhead at least once during the year in the Torrid Zone. The temperature in these tropical zones is warm and humid and generally moist year-round. However, this zone has a few features that affect climate for example; let us take into consideration the deserts and mountains that fall within the torrid zone such as The Andes Mountains in Chile and Argentina, this mountain is snow- capped, we also have Australia and portions of Africa which fall within the Tropic Zone and they have large areas of desert with extremely dry year round. Rainforests might be the more typical presumption for the Torrid Zone, but even snow-capped mountains are possible within this zone.


Some of the areas that are considered to be the hottest places on earth can be found in the Tropical Zone. Most of these areas have a wet and dry season. Most of these areas receive plenty rainfall which helps promote lush vegetation growth with the help of the sun directly overhead. The temperature stays relatively uniform from day to night. Cloud cover helps keep the temperature uniformed throughout the day and through the seasons. This very same cloud cover also promotes almost daily rainfall during the wet season.


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Temperate Zone

The Temperate Zone is the part of the earth between the Tropic of Cancer and the Arctic Circle in the Northern Hemisphere or between the Tropic of Capricorn and the Antarctic Circle in the Southern Hemisphere, having a climate that is warm in the summer, cold in the winter and moderate in the spring and fall. It is considered to be the most varied climate system in the world and is divided into two main types: the maritime and the continental.

Maritime temperate regions are found in areas near coasts where the sea and onshore winds provide more rain and help to keep the temperatures level throughout the year. Continental temperate regions have more pronounced dry periods and, as there is less of a moderating influence by the sea; temperatures are often hotter in summer and colder in winter.


Temperate Regions:
  • Generally have four seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter.
  • Are unpredictable; whilst having recognized characteristics, most of the seasons will also have very varied weather within them. Rain, fog and lower temperatures may not be uncommon even in summer.
  • The most popular climate to live in as it does not experience the wide variations of some of the more extreme climates.
  • Agriculture is one of the major income earners in these regions as you have the ability to grow a large variety of crops and fruits. Grain crops such as wheat, barley and oats are extensively grown. Pears, apples, strawberries and other soft fruit are grown to sell either as fresh produce or for manufacturing into products such as jam.


4 seasons temperate

Frigid Zone

Frigid Zone is the area between the Arctic Circle and the North Pole or between the Antarctic Circle and the South Pole.

This climate is characterized by a long season of severe winter and even the summer season is cold. The precipitation is very low, generally below 30 cm. and due to low temperatures the vegetation is practically missing. Only during the short summer season some very lowly plants may grow only in the areas away from the polar ice caps. These regions are known for blizzards, high velocity winds carrying ice particles with them. These regions are called the cold deserts and they occupy areas of the Arctic margins of North America and Eurasia and the Antarctic continent.

frigid climatic zone

The temperature of a place in the three climatic zones are determined on its proximity to the equator. The Frigid Zone is the coldest zone because it is the furthest from the equator and the Torrid Zone is the hottest zone because it is the closest to the equator.