Course: Education
Text lesson

Levels of education

The process of education in our country can be divided into several levels such as:

Preschool education: This is the first stage of education. It is designed for children 3 to 5 years of age and focuses on early childhood development, socialization and basic skills preparation. The photo below shows some children in preschool doing an activity.


Photo by Seattle Parks and Recreation  and used under this creative commons license.


Primary education: This level of education covers grades K to 6. Children learn basic Language and Mathematics as well as Science, Social Studies and other subjects. Primary education is considered a basic human right for all children.

Secondary Education: Secondary education covers Form 1 to Form 5 (grades 7 to 12). Secondary school students are exposed to a wide range of subjects including Agriculture, History, Literature, Chemistry, Economics, Geography and more.

Tertiary Education: Tertiary education refers to any formal education which occurs after seconday education. It includes universities, colleges, technical training institutes and vocational schools. It offers specialized knowledge and training for specific careers or fields of study.

Image                                                                                                   The man in the photo above has just graduated from university.


Benefits of free primary education

Primary education serves as the foundation for lifelong learning and personal development. In order to ensure that every child has access to education, government ensures that every child receives free primary education. Some of the benefits of free primary education are listed below.

  • Inclusivity: It allows students from all socioeconomic backgrounds to attend school. If parents had to pay the full cost of primary education, some parents would not be able to send their children to school.
  • Increase in enrollment: Since primary education is free alomost all children are able to attend primary school.
  • Improved literacy: Since almost all children receive at least primary education, this leads to more people being able to read, write and communicate effectively.
  • Poverty reduction: Education helps people gain skills and knowledge which can help them earn a living and avoid living in poverty.