Course: Nouns
Text lesson

Collective nouns

Collective nouns refer to a group of people or things. Look at the examples of collective nouns below.

flock: A group of some kinds of animal, such as sheep or birds, is called a flock. Look at the flock of sheep below.


herd: A group of some kinds of animals, such as cows or elephants is called a herd. A herd of elephants can be seen below.


crowd: a large group of people is called a crowd. Look at the crowd below.


school or shoal: a group of fish swimming together is called a school or a shoal. A small school of fish can be seen in the picture below.


team: a group of people working together to accomplish a goal or goals is called a team. The children seen below are part of a football team.


pride: a group of lions is called a pride. Look at the pride of lions below.


Swarm: A large group of some kinds of insects is called a swarm. Look at the swarm of bees below.


There are many more collective nouns. Can you think of any more?