There are a number of things that can be done to reduce air pollution. Here are a few examples:
- If you are travelling a short distance, you can walk or ride a bicycle instead of traveling on a motor vehicle. Walking and riding bicycles do not release pollutants into the air.
- Avoid burning garbage, leaves and other material. Instead, dispose of garbage properly. You can also try composting leaves and other plant matter.
- Conserving electricity is one way that we can reduce air pollution. This is because most of our electricity is generated by burning fossil fuels. One way to conserve electricity is to turn off lights when you are not using them.
- Recycling materials such as plastic, paper, glass and metals can help reduce air pollution. This is because it takes less energy to make products out of recycled materials than to make them out of raw materials.

These plastic bottles will be recycled and turned into other plastic products.
- We can reduce air pollution by planting trees. Trees release oxygen into the air, They also help remove some harmful substances from the air.

Planting more trees will help make our air cleaner.
- Factories can use special filters to remove pollutants so that they do not get released into the air.
- Use alternative forms of energy such as solar energy and wind energy. Electricity generated using various types of clean energy reduces air pollution. This is because they do not burn fossil fuels. Some alternative forms of energy are shown below.
Solar energy: The solar panels on this house turn sunlight into electricity.
Solar energy: This solar water heater uses the sun’s heat to provide hot water for this home. (Photo by Solar Prince Hot Water and used under this creative commons license)

Wind energy: These windmills use the wind to generate electricity.

Geothermal energy: This geothermal power plant uses heat from deep underground to generate electricity. These plants only release steam into the air which is not a pollutant.

Hydroelectric power: The power of flowing water is used to generate electricity. Some dams, like the one in the photo above, are built to collect water to generate electricity.