Course: Resources
Text lesson

Natural and Man-made Resources

What is a resource?

A resource is anything which is useful to man. There are many resources all around us. Water, air, plants, paper, plastic and cars are all very useful to people. They are all resources. Can you think of any other resources? Some resources are natural and some are made by man.


Natural Resources

Natural resources are found in nature. They are sometimes called gifts of nature. Air, sunlight, fossil fuels, plants, animals, wind and water are all natural resources. Some examples of natural resources can be seen below.

Sunlight helps our plants grow. We also use sunlight to make electricity.


Water is an important natural resource. Living things need water to stay alive. We use water for bathing, cooking, cleaning and many other things.


Trees provide us with wood. They also make oxygen for us to breathe. Can you think of any other ways trees are useful?


Sand is a very important material for building


Soil is important for growing crops.


Crude oil or petroleum is an important natural resource. It is used to make plastic, fuel for vehicles, asphalt for roads and many other things. (Photo by Leiem and used under a creative commons license)


Man-made Resources

Some resources are made by people. These are called man-made resources. They include plastic, paper, concrete, tools and vehicles. Often, natural resources are used to make man-made resources. Some examples of man-made resources can be seen below.

Paper is made from wood. Can you think of ways we use paper?


Plastics can be made from crude oil, natural gas or even plants. Can you think of things that are made out of plastic?


Tools can be made of metal, wood or other materials. Can you name the tools in the picture above?


Many different materials and parts are used to make vehicles like cars and trucks. Can you name some other types of vehicles?

Can you think of some other man-made resources?